Yorkshire Status: Scarce and local resident.
This is a moth of the wild uplands of the west of the county. Surprisingly there is only a single record from VC62 (Guisborough 1984) despite there being plenty of apparently suitable habitat. It is not doing well nationally, and both numbers and range have declined significantly recently. In Yorkshire the situation may not be quite so pessimistic, though there have been fewer records in recent years. Although this is very much a moth of upland areas, we have two odd lowland records several miles from suitable habitat, at Bellflask in 2010 and Nosterfield NR in 2011 - and before you ask, no, they weren't Flame Carpet! Upland species like this are always difficult to assess as only small bands of hardy enthusiasts trap in places where they are most common.
Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: This mountain species still occurs at its best known Yorkshire site, Malham Tarn (VC64), and has recently been reported from other localities, suggesting it may be fairly common at high altitude in the north and west of the County. Skinner (1984) mentions that a form 'that lacks the dark red central band occurs frequently in parts of Yorkshire'. Skinner (in litt. 1989) gives details of three separate records of this form, involving seven specimens. Two were from the Grassington area (VC64), one from Keld (VC65). One record was published (Bretherton, 1975). | Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required. | |
Recorded in 35 (18%) of 200 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1880. Last Recorded in 2022. Additional Stats |