Yorkshire Status: Common and fairly widespread resident.
Shaded Broad-bar is a common and widespread species, found all over the county in grassy areas, the larvae feeding on clovers and vetches. It is a little less common in the west and north of Yorkshire and on acid grassland. It is frequently reported flying by day as it is easily disturbed from grassland, but the largest counts at Spurn, occasionally into three figures, have been at MV light. According to Colin Plant, the moth was previously named "The Aurelian's Curse" because it was apparently so abundant that it kept getting caught when other quarry was being chased!
Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: Widely distributed and found in dry grassy areas in all five vice-counties. It can be very noticeable flying in daylight, always in areas of long grass and is also found at light. Recorded in 164 (82%) of 200 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1879. Last Recorded in 2023. Additional Stats |