Yorkshire Status: Fairly common and fairly widespread resident.
For differences between this and Common Marbled Carpet see the previous species. Dark Marbled Carpet is not common on the lower ground and most of our records come from upland sites. In general it is a "prettier" moth and some very attractive forms occur. It is univoltine unlike Common Marbled Carpet, so records before mid-July or after the end of September might be misidentifications. Numbers have been worryingly low in recent years, with a slump to just 31 records in 2023.
Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: Generally common in higher areas near woodland but occasionally recorded from widely scattered lowland sites all over the five vice-counties.  | Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required. | |
Recorded in 135 (68%) of 200 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1879. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |