Yorkshire Status: Very local resident
In our 2018 annual report we wrote: "In the 2016 report (p26) we predicted the first Yorkshire record would be in 2017. We were only a year out! This species was first recorded in West Sussex in 1984 and spread along the south coast before moving north. Cheshire and Lancashire have had records so it was our turn. The only surprise is that it bypassed VC63 and turned up in VC64. It is bivoltine, flying in May/July and September/November so our moth was from a second brood. It is reasonably distinctive and fresh specimens should not be mistaken for Juniper, Spruce or Grey Pine Carpets. It will be fascinating to monitor any further spread. Perhaps you should keep that leylandii hedge rather than chop it down to appease the neighbours. VC64. Swillington, 13.10.2018 (DN). NEW COUNTY RECORD"
In the years since then, it turned up twice in 2019, nearby at Little Preston. In 2022 and 23 it was found at Skelton in VC62. So several years down the line, it has just been recorded from two areas. This pattern suggests that the horticultural trade may have something to do with the spread. If it was spreading under its own steam, one would have expected a more gradual increase in distribution. Recorded in 2 (1%) of 200 10k Squares. First Recorded in 2018. Last Recorded in 2023. Additional Stats |