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Valerian Pug
Eupithecia valerianata (H?bner, 1813)
Geometridae: Larentiinae
1821 / 70.181
Photo © Terry Box, 7 Jul 2017,  SE4981: Kilburn, VC62

Similar Yorkshire Species
Lead-coloured Pug
Eupithecia plumbeolata
Common Pug
Eupithecia vulgata
Forewing: 8-10mm
Flight: June - July
Foodplant:   Common Valerian
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Former Status: Nationally Scarce B
Verification Grade:  Adult: 3

Yorkshire Status: Rare and local resident.

This is not a common species in Yorkshire, and the scattered populations are rather isolated. This is the situation all across the country. It is a moth of damp areas where common valerian grows. It has probably never been common in the county. In 1883 Porritt just noted it from Askham Bog where there is still a healthy population. In 1907 he also noted it from Wharncliffe. It used to occur regularly at Spurn but has not been seen there for many years, though it has been found recently at several new sites in central VC61. This is not the easiest Pug to identify but like many Pugs, once you have seen a few it becomes a lot easier. It is a delicate little thing and although plain is rather attractive when fresh. It is a pearly grey in colour and is weakly marked, not having much of a discal spot. The only real markings are a faint wavy subterminal line and a tornal spot. To my eyes it is rather reminiscent of a greyish Lead-coloured Pug. Like many species of Pug, one of the best ways to find it is by dusking around the foodplant.

Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: There are four new localities for this species and one from where there had been no records for several years (Askham Bog). There are no further records for Grass Wood (VC64), the only recent site in the last list (YNU, 1970).

Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required.

Recorded in 24 (12%) of 200 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1883.
Last Recorded in 2023.
Additional Stats

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
01/07/2023161TA03 - Beverley (S) / Cottingham
24/06/2023164SE54 - York (S/W)
24/06/2023162SE77 - Malton
16/06/2023161TA04 - Beverley (N)
14/06/2023164SE54 - York (S/W)
Further info: Eupithecia valerianata
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