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Pale Brindled Beauty
Phigalia pilosaria ([Denis & Schifferm?ller], 1775)
Geometridae: Ennominae
1926 / 70.247
Photo © Derek Parkinson,  Grass Wood, VC64 - larva

Similar Yorkshire Species
Small Brindled Beauty
Apocheima hispidaria
Brindled Beauty
Lycia hirtaria
Forewing: 19-24mm
Flight: Jan - March (sometimes December)
Foodplant:   Broadleaved trees
Red List: Vulnerable (VU)
GB Status: Common
Verification Grade:  Adult: 2

Yorkshire Status: Fairly common resident.

The Atlas tells us that across the country, numbers of this species have "decreased severely since 1970". It is difficult to reconcile this with what we see in Yorkshire as numbers appear to be stable and it is reported widely across the county. The early flight time means that many recorders will not see it often, but if you do trap in February, you will find it is one of the commonest moths in the trap. Once noticeable change since 2000 is the appearance of this species before the year end, often starting in late November. Melanic forms are still frequent. The wingless female is not often encountered but is apparently found regularly near the base of tree trunks just after dawn. In wooded areas counts can be quite large, for example 114 at Bellflask near Ripon on 6/2/2011.

Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: Rather sparsely recorded due to its early flight period (January-March) but said to be frequently taken at light, at rest on tree trunks and as larvae (SMJ) in all five vice-counties. The melanic form, f. monochraria (Staudinger), is often most frequent in urban areas.

Recorded in 137 (69%) of 200 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1847.
Last Recorded in 2025.
Additional Stats

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
01/01/2025+61SE64 - Wheldrake
31/12/2024164SE24 - Bramhope / Otley
30/12/2024264SE34 - Harewood
20/05/2024165NZ30 - Great Smeaton
17/04/20241263SE13 - Bradford
Further info: Phigalia pilosaria
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Mothdissection UK Yorkshire Moths (Full)
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