Yorkshire Status: Very common and widespread resident.
This is our commonest and most widespread hawk-moth and occurs all over the county wherever poplars and willows grow. The literature is confusing when it talks about voltinism, as field guides tell us it is single-brooded from May to July with an occasional second generation in August and September. This is difficult to match with flight times phenograms all over the country which show a peak in May/June and a second peak in July, followed by a few scattered records until September. Abundance and distribution appear to be stable in the county. Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: Recorded from all five vice-counties and often frequent or common, even at altitude, for instance at 200m on Burn Moor (SLS pers. comm.). Recorded in 177 (89%) of 200 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1879. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |