Yorkshire Status: Extinct in Yorkshire.
In 1883 Porritt wrote "Mr George Brook, FLS, of Huddersfield took a specimen on the sand-hills at Redcar in July 1875, which is the only one I have seen". There have been no records since - recent claims (which are frequent) have all been either misidentifications or typos for Lunar Underwing or other species of Yellow Underwing. This species has disappeared from many of its old haunts and is now just found in East Anglia, particularly Breckland, and the Hampshire/Wiltshire area. The cause for its decline is not known.
Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: Not definitely recorded since Porritt (1883-86) and the only record he gave was from Redcar (VC62) in 1875. There have been several recent records but these are considered unconfirmed as this species has declined over the whole country and Skinner (1984) suggests that in England it is probably now restricted to the Brecklands of East Anglia and the eastern border counties to the North. | Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required. | |
Recorded in 1 (1%) of 200 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1875. Last Recorded in 1875. Additional Stats |