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Marsh Moth
Athetis pallustris (H?bner, 1808)
Noctuidae: Xyleninae
2392 / 73.103
Photo © Malcolm Hillier,  Male, Lincs 15/07/18

Similar Yorkshire Species
Hoplodrina octogenaria
Hoplodrina blanda
Forewing: M 15-16mm F 9-11mm.
Flight: One generation May-June.
Foodplant:   Ribwort Plantain and Meadowsweet.
Red List: Endangered (EN)
GB Status: Nationally Rare
Former Status: Red Data Book
Verification Grade:  Adult: 3

Yorkshire Status: Extinct.

There is only one Yorkshire record. This was described in Entomologists Annual 1855 under "New British Species since 1835" as follows. "Hydrilla palustris, Hubner; a specimen taken near York is in the collection of Mr Allis. Apparently a scarce continental species so this was evidently the first for Britain taken sometime between 1835 and 1855". Stainton in A Manual of British Butterflies and Moths in 1857 says "one specimen at Compton's wood near York, flying over grass in a damp place". The location of Compton's wood is unknown but is said to have been four miles from York. Morris in 1871 describes the moth as being found at Crompton's Coppice. There were subsequently other old records from scattered parts of the country, particularly in the Fens, but now it is only known from two sites on the Lincolnshire coast, and at one of these is seen very erratically.

Sutton & Beaumont, 1989: Not recorded since Porritt (1883-86). He had only one record, from Compton's Wood, near York (VC62) in 1855. It is still found in Lincolnshire at several sites including Gibraltar Point (Duddington & Johnson, 1983), a very similar habitat to Spurn (VC61).

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Recorded in 1 (1%) of 200 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1855.
Last Recorded in 1855.
Additional Stats

Latest 5 Records
Date#VC10k Area
1855162SE65 - York (E)
Further info: Athetis pallustris
UK Moths
Mothdissection UK Yorkshire Moths (Full)
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